Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I believe this trailer depict the novel Blankets perfectly for sever reasons. The first reason I thought it was a good trailer for the novel is because it hits upon all the main points. It shows a very clear depiction of what the book is all about. It gives the viewers a little taste of what they will get out of the book. It shows the views a glimpse of how Craig grows apart and then feels alone and needs to find himself, it shows how through faith he finds himself as well as love and the up and downs of it.
            This really spoke to me and saw exactly what I thought I would see in a trailer.  The trailer was able to highlight the same things I thought were the most important and stood out to me when I read the novel.  It was able to capture the same experience that I had when reading the book. There is one thing that I would have added to the trailer though. I would have put a question at the end of it to intrigue the views. I would have said something like “ Does Craig find his way through life’s troubles?”  This would have the views thinking and would make them want to read the novel.

            If I were to make a trailer like this the audience I would try and target would be teens and young adults. The reason for this is because they are the people that can relate to this novel the best. People at this age would be able to relate and if would impact them the most. I would highlight the same things; growing apart, finding your path/faith, and the ups and downs of love.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is dumb and dumber.  This has been my favorite movie for a long time and most of my life. I think this movie will always be my favorite movie as long as I live and will probably be my favorite movie till the day I die.  There are many reasons why this is my favorite movie. I have probably seen dumb and dumber over a 100 times and have many good memories watching it. There is one time that stands out the most however. The one that stands out to me is the first time I watched it. It was all the way back in 2002 when I was eight. My family had just got a new GMC SUV and there was a TV in the car. My two older brothers and I thought it was so cool and could not wait to try out the TV. The first time we used it was when we were taking a family trip up to the city of Toronto.  Both of my older brothers had already seen the movie before but I had not at this time. Once we were pulling out of our drive my brothers popped in he DVD and we began to watch it. I was laughing during every scene and in tears from laughing so hard and so were my brothers. It was a great memory and I still remember it to this day. That is the main reason that dumb and dumber is my favorite movie.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How to

Anthony Rottier, Austin Worachek, Mitchell Henke, & Lukas Erdmann
English 101 
Process Analysis
Our group decided that the best processes for us to teach others, that relates to all of us, is how to tie a fishing knot and clean a fish. These two skills can be very important to many people, especially, if they find themselves in a situation where they need to survive in the wild.  However, these skills are more often applied if someone just wants to catch a fish. To become a better outdoors-men and fishermen these skills are a necessity. In the following post we will show you how to do these things. 

How to Tie a Fishing Knot


Loop the line through the eye of the hook like so. To have a little easier time seeing it we just used a shoe and shoelace.

Now give the knot a twist 
around once as shown in the 


Another twist is needed to assure the stability of the knot. There will ultimately be three twists in this knot. 


There is the third and final twist in the knot before the next step which is very important. 


It is a little difficult to see, however, we are pulling the line through the hole at the bottom of the twists. 


Now we just pull it tight and you should be ready to bait the hook and throw the line out into the water. Don't forget to cut off the access line on the leftover side of the knot. 

In conclusion tying fishing knots in today's day and age is a very simple process once you get the hang of it. It is a very good skill to possess because sometimes with all the technology now it is nice to just get away from everything and catch fish. 

Our second process analysis is how to clean a fish. It is closely related to how you tie a knot because once you catch the fish; you will need to clean it so you can cook it. It combines the skills that an outdoors-men and fisherman needs to be successful. The people that would need to know how to do this are beginner fisherman that have not yet cleaned fish. Other people that would need to know how to clean a fish, is any kind of chef or simply anyone who is trying to prepare fresh fish for a meal.

The way to clean a fish is a fairly simple process if you know what you are doing. First, there are a few things that make the procedure easier.  Obviously, it all starts with a fish, a sharp filet knife, cutting board, and a towel or rag will help make cleaning a fish easier.  Next, wipe down the fish with the towel or rag to remove the slime off the fish so it is easier to handle. 
After that, you want to make an incision directly behind the gill and stop when you cut down to the spine.  Hold the knife in your hand on a 45-degree angle to the spine of the fish.  Then, let the filet knife do the work; keep the pressure of the blade on the spine as you work your way towards the tail.  Equal blade pressure across the whole fish will produce the most amount of meat. When you get close to the tail, stop before cutting through the skin of the fish.  
Now, flip the lose part away from the body of the fish.  From there, place your filet knife on the tail side on a 45-degree angle and work towards the thicker part of the flesh.  Make sure to keep the knife close to the skin but it takes the right amount of pressure to avoid cutting through to the scales.  After you get the meat separated from the fish you with see a white section; this is the rib cage. Cut that part off of the boneless piece of meat. Finally repeat this process on the other side of the fish and you are ready to put the filets into a frying pan.

You start of by cutting into the fish right behind the pectoral fin. You want to take the knife at a 45 degree angle and cut in till you reach the spinal cord. Once you reach this you want to change the angle of the knife to parallel with the fish. 

Once the knife angle is changed from a 45 degree angle to parallel with the fish you want to just slide the knife the full length of the fish until you reach the very end of the tail.  

Then once you have done this you want to stop remove the knife and flip the filet so that the scale side of the fish is facing down on the cutting board so that you can see the meat side of the filet. You then take the knife and cut into the tail end of the filet and cut just before the skin of the fish is reached. Once you have done this you put a decent amount of pressure on the knife and slide it the full length of the fish until the skin is completely removed. 

After you have done this you should have the filet completely removed from the body of the fish. There is one more step before your filet is ready to be cooked. The last thing you must do is remove the rib cage. To do this you must cut into the meat at the top end or dorsal end of the filet right where the bones end. You then cut in and apply the pressure away from the meat part of the filet and angle the knife slightly towards the bones so that you do not remove any meat. You slide the knife all the way down the bones until the knife is completely out the bell end of the filet and the bones are completely removed. 

Once you have done all of these steps rinse the nice boneless and skinless filet in some cold water and it is ready to be cooked.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New Views on Sports and Family

The article I read was about a movie titled McFarland, USA. This was a very interesting article and opened my eyes to a few things. The over did not get the greatest review from this critic but since I have not seen this movie yet I cannot give my opinion on it. Based on how he talked it through I can see that I think I would like this movie. It is about a middle aged white male that coaches kids of minority. It talks about at the beginning of the film the coach shows some signs of racism and only cares about winning. As the film progresses the critic says that the coach Jim White begins to care more about family and his view on different races changes. This was very interesting to me. In my own life I have realized as I have aged, I have a much better understanding of my family and how they are imported for me. They are there for the think and thin parts of my life. I appreciate them so much more now. I agree how the author of the article believes this is one of the good things from the movie. He believes that at the ended when the coach has gained more respect for his athletes and family that this a good point made by the film. I can relate to this first hand because I played basketball all four years of high school. The first two years my coaches did not treat all the players the same and treated different players differently. This was very up setting to me and because of it I did not like these other two coaches very much. My last two years of basketball I had a great coach that treated all his players with the same respect. He was my favorite high school coach and I had such a greater respect for him. I wish the author would have went into the ending a little more because I felt this was his strongest point of the article.        

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This documentary really opened up my eyes and made me realize some things that I haven't before. The thing that I think stood out to me the most would be typing papers on typewriters. The reason this stood out to me the most is because of all the little mistakes you could make and then you would have to restart completely. This would be very hard for me and would give me a lot of trouble. The reason it would give me so much trouble is because I'm a bad speller and I would have a lot of typos and mistakes that would add a lot of time to finishing a paper. When I finally finished the paper I feel like it would not be as well done as if I would have typed it on a computer. Since this film was made in 2007 I believe student use of technology has changed a lot since then filmed this documentary. I believe these changes would make it harder to try the same experiment.  There are several reasons why I think this. First of the film is eight years old and in that time there has been many changes and improvement in technology. One of the biggest improvements is that there are smart phones now. Now in todays world you can access anything in the world and can contact anyone at any places with the swipe of a finger.  The other change is even back when this film was made there were still type writes accessible to students. Now a day there are no typewrites at universities. As a student today I think it would be very tough to give up any type of technology for school. The reason for this is because all of my professors use technology for communication, assignments, and test. This is why technology is pivotal in todays academics.