Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This documentary really opened up my eyes and made me realize some things that I haven't before. The thing that I think stood out to me the most would be typing papers on typewriters. The reason this stood out to me the most is because of all the little mistakes you could make and then you would have to restart completely. This would be very hard for me and would give me a lot of trouble. The reason it would give me so much trouble is because I'm a bad speller and I would have a lot of typos and mistakes that would add a lot of time to finishing a paper. When I finally finished the paper I feel like it would not be as well done as if I would have typed it on a computer. Since this film was made in 2007 I believe student use of technology has changed a lot since then filmed this documentary. I believe these changes would make it harder to try the same experiment.  There are several reasons why I think this. First of the film is eight years old and in that time there has been many changes and improvement in technology. One of the biggest improvements is that there are smart phones now. Now in todays world you can access anything in the world and can contact anyone at any places with the swipe of a finger.  The other change is even back when this film was made there were still type writes accessible to students. Now a day there are no typewrites at universities. As a student today I think it would be very tough to give up any type of technology for school. The reason for this is because all of my professors use technology for communication, assignments, and test. This is why technology is pivotal in todays academics.

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