Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New Views on Sports and Family

The article I read was about a movie titled McFarland, USA. This was a very interesting article and opened my eyes to a few things. The over did not get the greatest review from this critic but since I have not seen this movie yet I cannot give my opinion on it. Based on how he talked it through I can see that I think I would like this movie. It is about a middle aged white male that coaches kids of minority. It talks about at the beginning of the film the coach shows some signs of racism and only cares about winning. As the film progresses the critic says that the coach Jim White begins to care more about family and his view on different races changes. This was very interesting to me. In my own life I have realized as I have aged, I have a much better understanding of my family and how they are imported for me. They are there for the think and thin parts of my life. I appreciate them so much more now. I agree how the author of the article believes this is one of the good things from the movie. He believes that at the ended when the coach has gained more respect for his athletes and family that this a good point made by the film. I can relate to this first hand because I played basketball all four years of high school. The first two years my coaches did not treat all the players the same and treated different players differently. This was very up setting to me and because of it I did not like these other two coaches very much. My last two years of basketball I had a great coach that treated all his players with the same respect. He was my favorite high school coach and I had such a greater respect for him. I wish the author would have went into the ending a little more because I felt this was his strongest point of the article.        

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