Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I believe this trailer depict the novel Blankets perfectly for sever reasons. The first reason I thought it was a good trailer for the novel is because it hits upon all the main points. It shows a very clear depiction of what the book is all about. It gives the viewers a little taste of what they will get out of the book. It shows the views a glimpse of how Craig grows apart and then feels alone and needs to find himself, it shows how through faith he finds himself as well as love and the up and downs of it.
            This really spoke to me and saw exactly what I thought I would see in a trailer.  The trailer was able to highlight the same things I thought were the most important and stood out to me when I read the novel.  It was able to capture the same experience that I had when reading the book. There is one thing that I would have added to the trailer though. I would have put a question at the end of it to intrigue the views. I would have said something like “ Does Craig find his way through life’s troubles?”  This would have the views thinking and would make them want to read the novel.

            If I were to make a trailer like this the audience I would try and target would be teens and young adults. The reason for this is because they are the people that can relate to this novel the best. People at this age would be able to relate and if would impact them the most. I would highlight the same things; growing apart, finding your path/faith, and the ups and downs of love.

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