Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is dumb and dumber.  This has been my favorite movie for a long time and most of my life. I think this movie will always be my favorite movie as long as I live and will probably be my favorite movie till the day I die.  There are many reasons why this is my favorite movie. I have probably seen dumb and dumber over a 100 times and have many good memories watching it. There is one time that stands out the most however. The one that stands out to me is the first time I watched it. It was all the way back in 2002 when I was eight. My family had just got a new GMC SUV and there was a TV in the car. My two older brothers and I thought it was so cool and could not wait to try out the TV. The first time we used it was when we were taking a family trip up to the city of Toronto.  Both of my older brothers had already seen the movie before but I had not at this time. Once we were pulling out of our drive my brothers popped in he DVD and we began to watch it. I was laughing during every scene and in tears from laughing so hard and so were my brothers. It was a great memory and I still remember it to this day. That is the main reason that dumb and dumber is my favorite movie.

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